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Who uses our Technology?

Many health care professionals (both human and equine) have trusted and used the Acuscope, Myopulse and Reparer Facial for almost 30 years. The reason is works!

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Are Celebrities and Athletes using the Acuscope, Myopulse and the Reparer technology?

Veteran golfer Jack Nicklaus, Olympic champions Joan Benoit and Mary Decker, football stars Terry Bradshaw and Joe Montana, hockey great Wayne Gretzky are among the many athletes who have had dramatic results in the resolution of their injuries when they were treated with the Acuscope and Myopulse.

Athletes like Michael Jordan, Jack Nicklaus, Joe Montana, Wayne Gretzky, Joan Benoit, and Terry Bradshaw, and many members of the Forty Niners and the Chicago White Sox had injuries and chronic pain issues. Each of them has been introduced to the Acuscope and Myopulse along with many other celebrities like Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen authors of the book "Chicken Soup for the Soul" (see their interview), Pavarotti, Steven Segal, Lee Majors, Cloris Leachman, Sharon Farret, Sting, N-sync, Wayne Newton, Life House, Rachael Hunter, Tony Robbins, Carl Lewis, and many more have had effective results with our technology, to such extent that many have purchased an instrument for their own personal use.

Pain, Pain Go away...

Jack Nicklaus was so impressed by the treatments, says Nicklaus "I've had tendonitis problems in both my wrists and elbows…I got tremendous results. It stopped hurting and what I really like about the instruments is that you can't over treat the injury". He further claims that the Myopulse and Acuscope in the hands of his therapist, helped prolong his golfing career, assisting the "healing" process with a variety of other injuries and surgeries.

Former NFL Football star Terry Bradshaw, used the Acuscope and Myopulse after he severely injured his elbow in one of his games. He says, "After four treatments, I was out of pain and back in the lineup…it's a miracle machine!"

Additionally, the systems have proven to be a superior form of physical therapy and rehabilitation for a wide variety of sport and recreational injuries. Several sports franchises including Toronto Maple Leafs, Philadelphia Flyers, and Chicago White Sox use the Acuscope and Myopulse in their training rooms. Joan Benoit won her Olympic marathon trials only 17 days after arthroscopic knee surgery with a weeks worth of treatments with the Electro Acuscope and Myopulse impedance controlled microcurrent systems.

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Who invented this technology and How does it work?

Dr. Anthony Nebrensky is the inventor of this technology, which received its FDA approval over 22 years ago. Nebrensky helped develop the Missile guidance chip technology as well as the development of electrical measuring devices like EEG's and EMG's. His background as a physicist led him from missile guidance chip development to using that same technology to scan search and seek, like a smart missile. His technology works at a cellular level, finding the abnormalities of diseased or injured tissue in the human body. Injured or diseased tissue does not maintain a normal electrical conductance and blood flow as well as electricity follows the path of least resistance going around the damaged area instead of through it.

The Acuscope / Myopulse / Reparer Machines, which are in-put as well as out-put devices find the abnormalities and then send out a corrective signal until the injured area is normalized electrically thus allowing blood flow into the area of pathology instead of going around it. This enhances the body's ability to heal itself in a very accelerated manner.

Nebrensky theory was that if people are tested for abnormalities by using electrical devices like EEGs and EMG.'s the Acuscope and Myopulse micro-current electro therapy could bring the electricity patterns in the normal range thus helping the healing process of cells that had irregular electrical patterns.

The Reparer system has three state-of-the-art computer processors (similar to three intelligent brains working together) that read and recharge your body cells and tissue (through a probe that is applied painlessly to your skin). The La Fleur Reparer feeds natural energy only where the cells are weak and need energy the most. This is all done very fast (every 2.5 thousandths of a second)

Our bodies have an average of 10 to 100 trillion cells that support all functions of the body (tissue systems, ligaments, muscles, tendons, joints, organs, glands, and bones). Human cells regenerate at different rates. Our re-energizing treatments enhance your body's ability to regenerate faster and more efficiently; stimulating nerves and muscles in the face, increasing blood circulation to the area, carrying more oxygen to surrounding tissues that speeds the elimination of toxins, making the skin look better and promoting healing if there is inflammation, discoloration, or scarring.

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How does it feel?

Like a mild tingling sensation.

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Is it Considered Safe?

Though the American Medical Assn. has not evaluated the Electro-Acuscope or other similar machines, an AMA spokesperson says the devices are considered safe and effective. A 1984 report prepared by Ernest Feigenbaum, MD, for the U.S. Office of Health Technology Assessment (a division of the Public Health Service) states: "Electrical stimulation instruments are considered a safe and effective method for controlling pain and reducing the use of narcotic analgesics. It is widely accepted for this use".

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How often do Celebrities get a treatment?

The 82-year-old actress Cloris Leachman (star of television's "Facts of Life") gets a treatment several times a week; she claims reduces her wrinkles, increases calmness and boosts her energy

Actress Susan Blakely, and her husband, producer Steve Jaffe, lease an Electro-Acuscope and use it regularly for deep relaxation and muscle regeneration.

60-year-old hair care expert at Vidal Sassoon has been treated with the Electro-Acuscope repeatedly by his physician for "pulled shoulder muscles and problems of arthritic nature as often as every other day when he's in pain.

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How many Beauty treatments do Doctors & Specialists recommend?

Dr. Pearl McBroom, a Marina del Rey cardiologist/internist who uses the Electro-Acuscope and the Myopulse for medical treatment of diseases from shingles to herpes and also employs a cosmetologist to provide facials with the Reparer, advises for the facial treatments to be repeated.

For facial treatment, McBroom and her cosmetologist usually recommend that a client have a dozen sessions over a period of a few weeks and then be treated for maintenance "at lease twice a month." Prices are $65 for a one-hour session and $100 for a 90-minutes treatment. McBroom's treatment schedule and price scale are typical of those at offices of other health professionals in the Los Angeles area. All facialists and other practitioners offering rejuvenation treatments interviewed by The Times agreed that regular maintenance sessions are necessary to maintain the reduced- wrinkle effect While many claim that wrinkles typically soften, they may not always be fully erased. In addition, practitioners point out that treatments with the machine cannot create facial restructuring in the manner that p1mic surgery can.

The Reparer machine and its treatment is by no means a substitute for plastic surgery. We use it more as an adjunct," McBroom emphasizes, adding that her patients are also counseled on nutrition, exercise and stress reduction in addition to receiving medical diagnoses and treatment In the event the patient does need cosmetic surgery, we use the Renaissance immediately after surgery to enhance healing. The patient can be fully recovered in half the usual time.

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What do Doctors say about the Acuscope and Reparer treatments?

Dr. Pearl McBroom, who uses the Electro-Acuscope, the Myopulse for medical treatment of diseases and also employs a cosmetologist to provide facials with the Reparer. recalls that she was given an Electro-Acuscope in 1980 by a fellow physician who'd purchased it but was "too involved in other research to use it. I was amazed to find many aches and pains were alleviated in a short period. Since then, I've used it on hundreds of patients."

Dr. Valentine Birds, a North Hollywood internist, also works with the Electro-Acuscope and Myopulse instruments for medical purposes. A supervised nursing assistant gives facial treatments in his office with the Reparer machine.

"I had used the Electro-Acuscope for muscle spasm and found that facial improvement to be a side effect" she says. 'My theory is that if it won't hurt the patients and it can help them, I'm willing to use it. It's one thing to treat the disease and another to normalize the physiology and make the person healthy, which the machines help the body to do. 'I'm not satisfied with only diagnosing and treating the disease. I'd rather improve the basic physiology, that way you don't have the disease problem. If you feel good, you're going to look good. And if you're hurting, it's going to show up in the face".

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What are the Benefits of using the Neuroscope?

The Neuroscope is known to help relieve the following stress related disorders. The Neuroscope is not a cure for these illnesses and does not represent itself as such. But by successfully addressing the anxiety, depression, and insomnia underlying these disorders, it can play a major role in the healing process.

  • relieves pain
  • achieve most restful deep sleep and improves sleep disorders
  • balance mood control
  • IQ gains
  • increases attention focus and memory
  • helps with learning disorders (attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity)
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • relieves anxiety and tension
  • panic disorders
  • stressed induced asthma
  • stressed induced hyves
  • gastrointestinal disorders, ulcers
  • as a treatment for acidity
  • migraine headaches
  • during drug withdrawal (street drugs, nicotine, prescription drugs)
  • chronic fatigue syndrome including fybromyalgia
  • pre-menstrual syndrome
  • alcohol rehabilitation
  • prior or after surgery to relieve pain, swelling and tissue and muscle trauma
  • helpful in creative work
  • helpful in preparing for examinations
  • helpful as an accelerated learning tool to memorize blocks of material
  • aid to reach peak performance for the athlete readying for competition (creates a state of relaxed awareness)

Research demonstrates that CES produces a mild stimulation in the hypothalamic area of the brain, resulting in balancing neurotransmitter activity (in particular Beta Endorphin and Norepinephrine). The effects achieved are similar to that of a "jogger's high". The Neuroscope produces results by enhancing endorphin production, which assists in reaching deep levels of relaxation.

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What are the Clinical Benefits of the Neuroscope that have been Observed?

The Neuroscope is a very useful and safe tool in today's medical practice for the treatment of a wide range of problems requiring long term therapy. It is an especially helpful treatment prior to major surgery as it will relax the patient prior to surgery in a natural way. And after major surgery to relieve any pain, swelling and tissue and muscle trauma, allowing the patient to increase its ability to recover from surgery from 50- 60% faster. The patient is able to take the Neuroscope home for extended therapy to aid in the body's natural ability to regenerate after surgery.

In carefully conducted randomized controlled trials the Neuroscope (also known as CES-Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) has repeatedly shown efficacy in treating mild to moderate primary or secondary anxiety and depressive conditions, normalization of central hemodynamics (systolic and diastolic blood pressure but not peripheral vascular tension) in Stage I hypertension, relieving headache pain (85%) and other types of pain conditions including pain resulting from dental surgery and cancer (35%), and especially in potentiating through centrally-mediated action the effect of analgesic drugs (fentanyl 176%-306%, morphine 174%-306%, alfentanil I 60%-2 15% and dextromoramide 267%-392%), or replacing them altogether and increasing the depth of anesthesia (In one study fentanyl use decreased by 31%.). And increasing attention and the ability to learn new tasks. To a lesser degree CES has been shown effective in relieving primary insomnia (particularly sleep-onset insomnia), mild depression, post-axonic spasticity, minimal brain dysfunction and mood changes subsequent to closed head injury (with corresponding decrease in the need to neuroleptic drugs). Efficacy of CES has been researched in regards to substance abuse recovery (including nicotine and opiate addiction) with mixed results.

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Who can use the Neuroscope?

Many use the Neuroscope to their creative work or in high stress situations. It quiets the mind, making it especially helpful in preparing for examinations or as an accelerated learning tool, such as when memorizing blocks of material. For the athlete readying for competition, it helps create the state of relaxed awareness helping them enter the zone of maximum performance. Those suffering from stress in the form of depression, anxiety, and insomnia who seek an effective non-pharmacologic alternative would benefit greatly. And those suffering from illnesses where stress constitutes a prime symptom.

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Is Stress a cause of illness?

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, stress-related problems and illnesses account for 80-85% of all visits to medical offices. It has been estimated that 80% of the population of the United States in hospitals are filled with persons who have channeled anxiety into their bodies resulting in psychogenic illnesses. Among those illnesses are:

  • substance abuse withdrawal syndrome (alcohol, street drugs, nicotine, prescription drugs)
  • chronic fatigue syndrome including fybromyalgia
  • pre-menstrual syndrome
  • attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity
  • migraine and tension headaches
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • chronic pain
  • pre-competitive and performance anxiety
  • panic disorders
  • tic dolereaux
  • bruxism
  • stress induced asthma
  • hives
  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • ulcers or gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome, to name a few

We would underscore, however, that the Neuroscope is not a cure for these illnesses and does not represent itself as such. But by successfully addressing the anxiety, depression, and insomnia underlying these disorders, it can play a major role in the healing process.

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Is the Neuroscope only for the "sick" and the "stressed-out?

You don't have to be "sick" or "stressed-out" to use the Neuroscope and realize its benefits. The Neuroscope is a life-enhancing instrument of potential value to everyone. Some people use it as an adjunct to meditation practice each morning. Others during peak stressing moments that hit unexpectedly in the course of a day. Putting the unit on in these situations even just briefly can help curb that anxiety.

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Does the Neuroscope work for everyone?

It is known to be significantly effective for about 95% of the people who use it.

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When should I use the Neuroscope?

It is advised to use the Neuroscope at least once a day whenever you feel on the edge or early in the morning for a good energy re-charge. Within minutes, you will notice your anxiety disappear, a feeling of alertness, energy, ability to focus and improved memory.

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How long do the Neuroscope effects last?

This relaxed or alert state will usually remain for an average of 12 to 72 hours after the first few treatments. With regular use it is possible for the patient to habituate to this preferred state of consciousness. Some patients describe the CES experience as analogous to having a type A mind in a type B body.

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What is the suggested length and frequency of the Neuroscope treatment?

For the Neuroscope the recommended usage is 15-30 minutes once or twice daily for the first month after which the frequency may be reduced to two or three times weekly once symptoms are reduced or eliminated entirely. Although, there are some who will benefit from a more frequent daily treatment. There are also some who will achieve the full benefits within ten minutes. Some dentists use it instead of nitrous oxide during dental procedures that last for hours. You yourself determine how to best incorporate the Neuroscope into your daily routine. It can be used on waking in the morning and/or in response to stress situations. Individuals undergoing psychiatric treatment or rehabilitation for substance abuse often benefit from more frequent and prolonged application.

Those suffering from severe anxiety and extremes of compulsive or addictive behavior may find it necessary to use it more frequently, perhaps several times daily. When symptoms of depression or anxiety have lessened or disappeared, it is still important to have access to the unit as a tool for relapse prevention on an as-needed basis. It is helpful to work in close conjunction with your physician/healthcare professional to determine the role the Neuroscope plays in your overall treatment program.

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How does the Neuroscope work?

The Neuroscope is a finely calibrated device that reads and measures the current flows between two electrodes that are attached to your earlobes (over a period of time based on current amplitude and voltage). It reads and adjusts itself until your brain, your nervous system and your body is able to receive the full benefit of this treatment. Leaving you with a feeling of well-being, deep relaxation and alertness. Within minutes of using the Neuroscope you will notice anxiety reduced, a feeling of alertness, increased energy, ability to focus and improved memory.

Research demonstrates that the Neuroscope (also known as CES: Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) produces a mild stimulation in the hypothalamic area of the brain, resulting in balancing neurotransmitter activity (in particular Beta Endorphin and Norepinephrine). The effects achieved are similar to that of a "jogger's high". The Neuroscope produces results by naturally enhancing endorphin production, which assists in reaching deep levels of relaxation.

The Neuroscope generates micro-current pulses that are thought to reach the brain directly via ear lobe stimulation with 42% reaching the cortex through a perineural or vascular pathway via the auditory meatus.

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What is the Neuroscope Technical Method of Action?

The Neuroscope or Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation uses microcurrent which utilizes the bulk capacitance of the body and a modulating bioactive frequency at low current levels to reestablish optimal neurotransmitter levels and functioning in the brain. The Neuroscope differs from traditional transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) which is low-frequency (200 Hz or less), high-current (hundreds of mA) modality. Low-level electrical current interacts with cell membranes in a manner that produces modifications in information transduction associated with classical second messenger pathways, calcium channels and cyclic AMP.

It has been observed that the activity/levels of MAO-B in blood platelets, CSF and plasma serotonin beta endorphin GABA concentration in blood, DHEA, 5-hydroxy-indol-acetic acid and enkephalins were all increased in experimental groups after 20 CES procedures. Cortisol and trvptophane levels decreased.

Electrical engineering studies found that a small fraction of the Neuroscope (CES) current actually reaches the thalamic area of the brain facilitating the release of neurotransmitters as noted above. A decrease in the latency of alpha-rhythm appearance at sleep onset has also been recorded with the use of the Neuroscope (CES) evidencing reduced rigidity in the CNS stimulation process and enhanced activity of the alpha-rhythm generating systems.

The Neuroscope also represents a significant affirmation that you have the power within to change your mental state and that you are willing to take active steps to create the time and the space to do so.

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Are there any Contraindications for using these instruments?

Do not use this product if you are pregnant or lactating. Do no use if you have a cardiac pacemaker (particularly demand type pacemakers) or other implanted bioelectric equipment. There have been isolated reports of the Neuroscope treatment lowering blood pressure so care should be taken while using the Neuroscope in conjunction with high blood pressure medication.

It is absolutely important and necessary that you drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day a few days before the treatment and during your treatments (8oz glasses). As this treatment will require that you are well hydrated. If you do not follow this instructions, you may experience dehydration in the form of a headache.

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Can the Neuroscope help Aleviate Sleep Disorders?

The Neuroscope is known for helping you achieve a most restful deep sleep, helping with many sleep disorders. It is a great alternative for those suffering from insomnia who seek an effective non-pharmacologic alternative.

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Can the Neuroscope be used as a sleep aid?

Yes. It helps for people suffering from insomnia. One thing CES users often report is an increase in vivid dreaming. This results from compensation for lost REM sleep. As your sleep pattern begins to normalize--within the next two or three nights--it should become less frequent.

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What long range improvements can I expect with the use of the Neuroscope?

Sleep patterns should begin to normalize within the first day or two, with less and shorter periods of awakening during the night, faster onset of sleep after going to bed, and a greater feeling of being rested upon awakening the following morning. Depression and mood swings become less, as does irrational anger, irritability, and poor impulse control. By the second week, cognitive processing is visibly enhanced. Mental confusion due to stress begins to subside as the ability to focus and concentrate on work becomes easier and more efficient. The ability to recall information and accelerate learning also begins to return to normal pre-stress levels as concentration and memory improve.

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What is the suggested length and frequency of Neuroscope treatments?

For the Neuroscope the recommended usage is 15-30 minutes once or twice daily for the first month after which the frequency may be reduced to two or three times weekly once symptoms are reduced or eliminated entirely. Although, there are some who will benefit from a more frequent daily treatment.

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What can I expect during and after the Neuroscope treatment?

The Neuroscope is applied through earclips on your earlobes. It feels like a light tingly sensation on the ears. Most people will experience a relaxation response almost immediately after the Neuroscope treatment begins. Immediately after a Neuroscope treatment, patients usually report feeling relaxed and sometimes inebriated for the first few minutes. This is a pleasant and very comfortable sensation. After several minutes, the light-headed feelings usually disappear, the relaxed state remains and a profound sense of alertness is achieved.

This relaxed and alert state will usually remain for an average of 12 to 72 hours after the first few treatments. With regular use it is possible for the patient to habituate to this preferred state of consciousness. Some patients describe the Neuroscope or CES (Cranial Electro Stimulation) experience as analogous to having a type A mind in a type B body.

During the treatment some people may perceive a subjective change in how their body weight feels. You might feel heavier at first and then lighter, or you may simply feel lighter initially. Therefore it is important to continue the treatment for a few extra minutes if you should feel heavier at the end of the allotted time, even if it has already been twenty minutes or more. Continue for at least two minutes after you feel lighter. Although this is quite common, not everyone will be aware of these weight perception changes.

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Why do I need to drink WATER prior to and during these treatments for them to be effective?

Water is an essential component in our numerous body cells so that they can perform their natural functions. 70% of the fat free mass in our body is made up of water. And 90% of our brain is made up of water. To function properly trillions of cells in your body require the proper amount of water to produce bi-products like collagen and elastin, and to heal itself when injured or just fighting a common cold. Water is the medium in which major cellular processes, such as enzymatic reactions, take place, thus the body strives to maintain a stable ionic environment. The body requires water to avoid headaches caused by dehydration.

The precise amount of water consumption per individual depends on the level of activity, temperature, humidity and other factors. It is advised to drink approximately 8-10 glasses of water (2 liters) a day for a normal person. An article in About Nutrition called: "Hydration: Fluids for Life" has some very interesting data on why Water is important for Life.

Time Magazine reported a few years ago that most headaches are due to dehydration

About Nutrition has an interesting article on Dehydration Headaches.

Wikipedia reports that some people experience headaches when dehydrated.

The Neuroscope naturally re-balances our cells, and this process needs a good amount of water in the body to obtain optimal results. In addition water helps our body to eliminate unwanted toxins from our body. And helps our body to heal naturally.

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Can you Overuse the Neuroscope? Are there any adverse effects from doing so?

You can't really overuse it. There have been no reported adverse effects from more frequent use. The objective of the Neuroscope or CES is to return neurotransmitter activity to pre-stress homeostasis. Once attained, the Neuroscope has no additional effect. Serving as a training wheels of sorts, The Neuroscope helps you reprogram yourself. Rather than learning to rely on the unit, you learn instead how to naturally refine and expand the art of self-regulation. The Neuroscope teaches you to become more sensitively attuned to yourself and better understand your body and its needs.

Along the way, you will intuitively come to know when the Neuroscope is needed and when it is to be put aside. You alone will become the determinant of use, as regards both frequency and duration.

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What is the History of the Neuroscope?

The technology for the Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) used in the Neuroscope was originally developed in the Soviet Union in the late 1940's as a treatment for insomnia and has since been used by millions of people all over the world. Most research over the past 25 years has shown that CES Reduces anxiety and improves cognition in recovering drug addicts and alcoholics. (An example: Pete Townsend, formerly of the band "The Who", found CES was the most effective treatment for his drug addiction recovery).

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When did Electro Stimulation began?

At least two millennium ago, physicians used electric eels to relieve pain. Experimentation with low intensity electrical stimulation of the brain was first reported by Drs. Leduc and Rouxeau of France in 1902. Research on using what is now referred to as cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) for treatment of anxiety began in the Soviet Union during the 1950's, its primary focus was the treatment of sleep disorders, hence its initial designation as "electrosleep." Treatment of insomnia was soon overshadowed, however, by psychiatric application for depression and anxiety. Since then, it has been referred to by many other names, the most popular being transcranial electrotherapy (TCET) and neuroelectric therapy (NET).

East European nations soon picked up CES as a treatment modality and its use spread worldwide. By the late 1960's, animal studies of CES had begun in the United States at the University of Tennessee and what is now the University of Wisconsin Medical School.

These were soon followed by human clinical trials at the University of Texas Medical school in San Antonio and the University of Wisconsin Medical School. More studies have followed. The number of human studies is around 103 plus. In addition, there are 18 plus experimental animal studies, all of which attest to the safety of CES.

CES has been an international treatment modality for more than 50 years. Thousands of people worldwide continue to receive its benefits. The most extensive work on CES continues in Russia at the Pavlov Institute in St. Petersburg. But by no means is its use restricted to that part of the world. In 2006 there was an estimated that between 50- 100,000 Neuroscopes (CES) units in use globally. From a broad reading of published literature, no negative effects or major contraindications have been found from the use of CES to date, either in the U.S. or other parts of the world.

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How is the Neuroscope different from other CES (Cranial Electro Stimulation) devices?

The Neuroscope has one major difference from other CES or ECS units, it is a calibrated device with input/output measuring control ( measuring and adjusting impedance-natural resistance/protection of the cells).

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What is Impedance?

mpedance is the body's natural ability to resist or block the recharge of the cell's energy. In other words, the body's cell may block itself as a natural protection. The Neuroscope recognizes & measures this resistance, it measures the current flow between the two electrodes, recognizing any blockage, and when it finds the blockage sends an output to correct the micro-current, so the body is able to naturally and safely accept the corrected micro-current. The Neuroscope then analyzes and measures the absorption of the micro-current. Other CES devices do not have this technology, and this capability.

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What is the Neuroscope Technical Method of Action?

The Neuroscope or Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation uses micro-current which utilizes the bulk capacitance of the body and a modulating bioactive frequency at low current levels to reestablish optimal neurotransmitter levels and functioning in the brain. The Neuroscope differs from traditional transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) which is low-frequency (200 Hz or less), high-current (hundreds of mA) modality. Low-level electrical current interacts with cell membranes in a manner that produces modifications in information transduction associated with classical second messenger pathways, calcium channels and cyclic AMP.

The activity/levels of MAO-B in blood platelets, CSF and plasma serotonin beta endorphin GABA concentration in blood. DHEA, 5-hydroxy-indol-acetic acid and enkephalins were all increased in experimental groups after 20 Neuroscope (CES) procedures. Cortisol and trvptophane levels decreased. Electrical engineering studies found that a small fraction of CES current actually reaches the thalamic area of the brain facilitating the release of neurotransmitters as noted above. A decrease in the latency of alpha-rhythm appearance at sleep onset has also been recorded with CES use evidencing reduced rigidity in the CNS stimulation process and enhanced activity of the alpha-rhythm generating systems.

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How does the Acuscope help to Heal Injuries?

The Electro-Acuscope does not heal. It helps the body to heal itself by stimulating the supply of blood and oxygen to the involved area. It does not involve the use of drugs or needles and is effective in the treatment of many types of tissue damage. It is particularly useful in the treatment of swelling, inflammation, and soreness.

There is a small, but growing group of qualified people who have been trained by a licenced instructor in the use of the Acuscope. Therapists often work in cooperation with doctors. Acuscope therapy can supplement the traditional medical therapeutic procedures to ensure a quicker recovery.

The Acuscope System is indicated for use, and is effective in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • Joint Inflammation
  • Bowed Tendons
  • Bucked Shins
  • Colic
  • Pulled Muscles in the Shoulder
  • Pulled Ligaments
  • Cartilage Damage in Knees
  • Arthritic Conditions of Joints
  • Deteriorating Bones
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Pinched Nerves in the Neck
  • Traumatic Inflammation Injury
  • Mouth Ailments
  • Splints
  • Muscle Spasms in Backs
  • Eliminate Toxins
  • Calming

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What is the Electro-Acuscope?

The Electro-Acuscope is a highly sophisticated electronic medical instrument which is designed to scan and treat many types of pain. The instrument uses electricity to treat pain by stimulating the nervous system of the body without puncturing the skin in any way.

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Who Uses the Acuscope?

The Acuscope is currently being used by professional athletic teams, sports medicince practitioners, hospitals, and by thousands of private physicians and therapists in every field of medicine throughout the world. The Acuscope is very effective and is being used extensively in human medicine.

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How Does It Work?

The Electro Acuscope establishes a two-way communication between its computer circuitry and the area of the patient's body being treated. It measures such things as tissue conductivity which is generally very low in an area of pain. It treats by introducing a gentle current in waveforms similar to the body's own electrical currents. This increases the electrical activity of the affected tissue so that the cells can begin the work of self-repair.

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How much Electricity does the Acuscope Produce?

The amount of electricity produced by the Acuscope is measured in microamps (millionths of an amp), an extremely tiny amount of current in comparison to the amount of electricity flowing from a wall socket. It has been scientifically proven that this level of current produces the most beneficial effect on the body's cells.

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How Does the Acuscope Reduce Pain?

The body is made up of a vast number of cells. In many ways, the cells of the body act like tiny batteries, storing and releasing energy. Each cell has a measurable electrical charge and therefore there is a constant energy flow maintained between cells throughout the electrical circuitry of the body. When damage or trauma occurs, there is a disruption in the production of electricity and a measurable decrease in the flow of energy through the tissues involved. This condition is generally accompanied by a sensation of pain and usually results in the body's inability to readily repair itself.

During treatment, the Electro Acuscope introduces mild electrical currents into the cells of the body in order to return the tissue to a normal level of electrical activity. This process may be likened to a "jump-start" and "putting a charge" on the battery of a car. In this way, the instrument assists the body in accelerating the natural self-healing processes.

In addition to providing the body with beneficial electrical currents, the treatment causes the body to produce its own natural pain reducing chemicals called "endorphins." The immediate pain relieving results of an Acuscope treatment may therefore be considered an electro-chemical response occuring in the involved area at a cellular level.

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Why are the Results from an Acuscope Treament Cumulative?

By definition, the cumulative effect means that each treatment of a given area will take a shorter time and the pain relief which follows will last longer and longer. Unlike some other forms of pain relief, such as therapy with certain drugs, the body does not build up a tolerance to Acuscope treatments. In fact, just the opposite occurs. Mild electrical stimulation has been proven (Cheng, 1972) to stimulate the cells of the body to produce chemicals which are responsible for cellular energy production and may be thought of as the fuel which allows the cells to begin to repair themselves. As these chemical reactions build up, the body's response to each treatment becomes stronger and the pain relief lasts longer. With each treatment the tissues are able to repair themselves more completely. In most cases, a series of treatments leads to permanent relief or to a greatly diminished level of pain.

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Other Forms of Therapy have Resulted in little Lasting Relief, can Electro Acuscope Therapy treatments really help?

Possibly: The Electro Acuscope delivers a different type of treatment than any other form of pain management. It is very often effective where nothing else has been able to help in the past.

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